About us

Artist Guy Mitchell and pianist/composer Heidi Mitchell use the power of art and music (and at times words) through the Holy Spirit of God to engage your ears, eyes, heart and soul.

The Story

Guy and Heidi have been married since 2005. Having studied fine art after school, Guy went into graphic design and now had his own business. Heidi was a full time music and piano teacher. On holiday at the end of 2007, their prayer was – “Lord what is next for us? What would you have us do?” God’s answer came as a surprise. “Lay down everything and wait on me”. Their question was: “Everything? What does “everything” mean?” Well, God meant everything. So they laid down jobs, careers, and ministry. And they waited….

In this period of waiting God taught them the pulse of His provision. Guy picked up a paintbrush again  for the first time since his studies 10 years before. God began to give Guy visions from scripture, in particular from the book of Revelation. He painted the scene from Revelation 19 – Jesus returning on the white horse. On pondering the new painting, Heidi began to hear music in the same space where she discerns the Voice of God. He said “Put your hands on the keys and play”. So she did just that and for the first time since she was 6 years old she played without sheet music or notation. And so the art and music ministry was birthed.

As Guy painted in obedience to what God was showing, so God gave Heidi the music to match, and images and sound became inseparable. After twelve painting with music, they began to go out into the world, with the mandate….

“I will pour our My Spirit on all flesh” Joel 2 vs 2

 A decade later, they are ministering and touring internationally, touching hearts, minds and souls across the globe, allowing the Spirit of the living God to touch hearts and to bring His body into a place of intimacy with the Father.
The music and art merge together to create this singular, utterly unique event and people are transported to another dimension by the powerful piano compositions accompanied by the rich paintings. This is a beautiful and soul moving experience.

Quotes from people who experienced a Revelations in Art event.

  • A gaze that lasted into the depth of the beholders eyes -James
  • It touched my soul, my spirit, my heart. It was a journey into another dimension, exploring spiritual landscapes – Adri
  • ‘n Verheffende ervaring – Hennie en Mariet
  •  An evening of sounds and music and colours deep in my heart, and with that, peace
  • I have never been to such a fantastic and moving exhibition – Mary Ann
  • The greatest testimony of our Fathers’ love I have experienced through His pleasure.
  • Truly inspirational.
  • Absolutely awesome. I soared, I cried inside, my whole body tingled. It touched my SOUL – Fiona
  • Hi I am Luke. (11yrs) I have not picked up a pencil in a while, but I feel I should, thanks to you.
  •  I found the experience so inspiring and mobilsing. Mostly I’ve heard a stern reminder not to neglect the gifts I’ve been given: to write, to paint, to sing and a challenge to grow. Thank you thank you thank you