This book was written in obedience to Father God’s call… to write a book filled with testimonies and encouragement that would build faith in the body of Christ and edify people for the turbulent times we are moving and living in. It is a book about knowing, hearing and obeying the voice of the Father.
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It has been a journey of tears and joy since Abba Father instructed me to write My Father’s Voice/ My Vader se Stem. Sometimes our lives become the parable and this book is full of my personal experiences of hearing and obeying my Father’s voice and the miracles, lessons and adventures that resulted.
Alongside the book I have also recorded an instrumental CD. God’s voice is like rushing waters, a beautiful symphony of sound. He has ministered to me deeply while I recorded this CD. I believe you too will experience His presence and hear His voice when listening to “My Father’s Voice” CD.